
Making the financial services sector safer

Financial firms hold billions in capital allocation, and incur billions in losses and fines due to gaps and ineffective controls.

Acin’s mission is to digitise and network data between peer firms, providing 20:20 visibility, protection and far superior AI based decision making.


Avoiding $1B accidents

Understanding where you are relative to peer firms, or what your relative strengths are by risk, theme or by loss exposure helps prioritise remediation activity and deal with areas of potential weakness sooner.


Best practice comes from the network

Filling gaps and improving Risk Controls based on network strength means you’re tapping into the best minds your peers have to offer. Most firms in the network have invested tens to hundreds of $M’s in Operational Risk management over time, which they are effectively crowd-sourcing to make the system safer for all.


Objective decision making requires precise data

All 36,000 peer operated Risk Controls in the network have been processed and reviewed by Acin and each client. You only see pure high-quality data in the network, which is fundamental for objective decision making. Adding a further 214,000 clause level regulation to control mappings, that totals over 3.7M data points.


Quantification & AI

Mapping your risk assessment values onto your data, combined with regulatory gap insight from the network, plus loss data and event correlation allows you to model changes to simulate $ value improvements against loss probability and severity.

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