Growing a community of firms to ensure risk
control and regulatory completeness for Electronic Trading

Acin has brought together leading financial trading firms to build the first peer-to-peer data network of electronic trading risks and controls

Across the globe, regulators have instituted detailed regulatory regimes to ensure firms are protecting themselves and the markets against electronic trading-related risks.

Historically many financial institutions have responded by spending large sums of money on internal contractors and external consulting firms to build their own electronic trading risk controls. 

However, this kind of static and subjective approach does not provide the dynamic data-driven insights required to ensure that firms are managing emerging risks and regulations effectively.

Acin digitizes and connects your firm’s electronic trading risks and controls into an anonymized peer network. This industry network produces an index, which is in turn mapped to regulatory regimes such MIFID II and FINRA.

Become an Acin network member to identify gaps & inefficiencies in your electronic trading risk controls, access the industry index that is mapped to specific regulatory articles, attend roundtables with fellow practitioners and run peer-driven risk intelligence scenarios and alerts for horizon scanning.

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